For enrollment in training, you need to provide copies of documents according to the chosen course of study:
• Ukrainian passport (pages 1, 2, registration page);
• Seafarer's ID (1 page; page with the last date of debiting);
• identification code;
• еducational diploma;
• certificate of competency and confirmation of the certificate of competency;
• color photograph;
• certificate to be replaced (when replacing);
• receipt of payment for training.
Training of specialists for vessels operating on inland water ways
• Ukrainian passport (pages 1, 2, registration page);
• Seafarer's ID (1 page; page with the last date of debiting);
• identification code;
• еducational diploma;
• certificate of competency and confirmation of the certificate of competency;
• color photograph;
• previous certificates if available;
• receipt of payment for training.
Training for working professions
• Ukrainian passport (pages 1, 2, registration page);
• identification code;
• certificate of secondary education;
• medical certificate number 086 /o;
• color photograph;
• receipt of payment for training.
Training of drivers of small vessels
• Ukrainian passport (pages 1, 2, registration page);
• the document about education;
• identification code;
• medical certificate for the right to drive a small boat or vehicle;
• color photograph;
• receipt of payment for training.
Trainees who will be trained in the direction of training boatmasters of small vessels must meet the requirements
• Be at least 18 years of age;
• Meet the health requirements to have a valid document on fitness for driving a vehicle for health reasons (physically and mentally fit for driving SV, in particular, have the necessary level of vision, hearing and color discrimination).
In case of successful completion of the training course, the trainees are issued an appropriate certificate, which will allow them to pass a knowledge test and obtain a boatmaster's license for a small vessels from the transport safety inspection.
• Ukrainian passport (pages 1, 2, registration page);
• the document about education;
• color photograph;
• receipt of payment for training.

For online submission of documents.
1.Select an application according to the course of study. Next, you need to fill out the application form: mark the required training courses.
2. Attach scanned copies of the originals of the following documents.
Note: An invoice for payment of training courses will be sent to you by mail after submitting your application.
3. Select the form of training "remotely" if necessary.
Note: Distance learning takes place only in the theoretical part of the training.
4. Write your valid e-mail address and phone number for feedback, so that our specialists can inform you about the beginning of the theoretical part of the training.
Note: With distance learning, theoretical lessons will be held on the ZOOM platform.
After the successful completion of the theoretical part, you will receive a notification of the completion of training to the specified email address. Our manager will contact you and suggest a convenient date for passing the practical part and final certification.